Sunday, 14 February 2010


So I've had a pretty busy couple of days. Friday morning we went to Minoh national park to see the waterfall and managed to see some monkeys (throwing rocks!) and in the afternoon Seb's tutor gave us a tour road Osaka to see a couple of shrines etc. I tried some real Japanese sushi in a sushi bar for dinner. It was erm...interesting!

Friday night was karaoke night!! It began with a bit of a pre-lash in the dorm where I was hit on by this creepy Bulgarian guy-not cool! So I was glad to escape to karaoke!! It was so much fun! We spent a good four hours just singing, drinking and eating chips! Nearly lost Seb at the end of the night as for reasons unknown he left the karaoke all alone and went to McDonald's, thinking we were all there. When we rang him to see where he was he had no idea. He eventually returned and we eventually got back at 5am.

So that Saturday wasn't entirely wasted we decided to walk up to a temple in the hills above Osaka. Bad idea! The road was steep and winding and there were huge lorries coming down! When we finally reached the top, we didn't have enough money to get in so it could have been a wasted trip, but the guy felt sorry for us silly Western tourists and let us in!! I'm glad he did, it was a really amazing Buddhist temple set in the mountains and was really peaceful. There were Doruma (little red men) everywhere. They are good luck charms that people leave to bring them good luck.

On Sunday we went to Kobe for Chinese New Year. It was absolutely packed with people so we couldn't really see the Lion dance though but a good atmosphere.

I'm off to Kyoto on my own tomorrow, wish me luck!!

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