Thursday 11 February 2010


I've arrived in Japan! Pretty much spent yesterday sleeping off the 24 hour travelling of the day before. But today finally got to see some of Japan.

Seb and I went into Osaka today. Went to see Osaka Castle and it's grounds which was pretty cool from the outside but the inside was a little disappointing and all in Japanese so I didn't really get what was going on. The English explanations of the displays in the museum wasn't that great, everything seemed to be 'according to legend!' so who knows if it was true! But managed to get a glimpse of some cherry blossom in the gardens.

I've been trying to sample local cuisine so lunch was noddle curry, which was yummy but quite hard to eat with chopsticks, all my practice in noodle bar has not paid off!

We then wandered round the shops in Osaka, my favourite being the Hello Kitty store! It's pretty manic in Osaka, I though Oxford on a Saturday was full of people! But it was absolutely pouring with rain so everyone had dived into the shops. Seems like I've brought the bad English weather with me!

Went for dinner in this really cool place where all your food is served onto a hot plate in the middle of the table so keeps it nice and warm! Noodles for me again, though I'm getting better with the chopsticks!

So that was my first day, I'm pretty shattered know though! More Osaka tomorrow I think.

Love xxx

1 comment:

  1. hello dear! glad to hear you're safely in japan! :-) how long are you there for? hope you and seb are having muchos fun love from tabland XxX
